Volunteer program
Join our talent bank. We regularly publish specific volunteer opportunities related to the activities that are running.
About 5 Sentidos
We are a project that seeks an opportunity for transformation, to change situations and definitely improve the quality of life of children, youth, families and caregivers who are currently dealing with a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).
Make a donation!
Your donation makes it possible for children and young people with SPD status to have access to therapies, sports and cultural activities that benefit their development. Your donation will also contribute to educational programs and workshops in order to offer parents the necessary tools to help them understand and support their children with this condition.
Dona a travƩs de Paypal
Tu donativo hace posible que niƱos y jĆ³venes con condiciĆ³n de TPS tengan acceso a terapias, deporte y actividades culturales que los beneficien en su desarrollo. TambiĆ©n tu donativo contribuirĆ” a programas y talleres educativos con el fin de ofrecerles a los padres las herramientas necesarias para ayudarlos a entender y apoyar a sus hijos con esta condiciĆ³n.